Oscar A. Piedrahita


I’m a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at COGITO Epistemology Research Centre, University of Glasgow. Before joining COGITO, I did a PhD as a Fulbright scholar in the Department of Philosophy at the University of California, Irvine. Before that, I completed an MA in Philosophy at Univerdad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) and before that I received a BA in Philosophy from the Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín, Colombia). 

I work in epistemology and have side research interests at the intersection of epistemology and moral responsibility. My current research covers various subfields of epistemology, including social epistemology. One focus is the epistemology of ignorance, where I develop strategies to explain ignorance as inherently agential. My interest in epistemic agency has led me to be interested in epistemic nudges and epistemically suboptimal forms of persuasion. As a UC Irvine alumnus, it is no surprise that I also have an interest in Wittgensteininan hinge epistemology.


In Progress and Under Review

Selected presentations

Peer Reviewed


Email: Oscar.PiedrahitaRivera@glasgow.ac.uk

Philosophy, School of Humanities
69 Oakfield Avenue
Room 313
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, UK G12 8QQ